28.05.2008, [10:12] // UGCC // RISU.ORG.UA

On May 24, at the Lviv City Council, a meeting of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone with Mayor Andriy Sadovyi was held. During the meeting the Cardinal talked about the beatification of Sister Marta Wecka. Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi noted during the meeting that for Ukraine the creation of the state is very closely interlaced with the establishment of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and the activity of Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky). The press-service of the Lviv City Council reported this to «Hal-info.»

«Now when we talk about the process of the beatification of Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky), we should understand that the issue is a process about which millions of people are concerned. This is not only those people who from personal experience know about the pious activity of the Metropolitan or were rescued by him, but also those numerous Ukrainians who are grateful to him for the fact of the existence of the Ukrainian nation and Ukrainian state. The Church was the carrier of the very idea of the Ukrainian Christian nation. The Church carried this idea through the underground, the cold of Siberia, concentration camps and torture chambers. By this the Church gained irrefutable authority among the laity, as it was near in the hardest times,» said Mayor Andriy Sadovyi.
In particular, city head Andriy Sadovyi during the meeting with the Vatican Secretary of State underlined the role of the Ukrainian Catholic University in the life of the city.

«For today it is one of the leading scholarly institutions of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The city is making every effort in order maximally to assist the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU), inasmuch as it understands that there is a future with such learning,» Andriy Sadovyi noted. The city head appealed also with a request to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to support personally UCU in Lviv.