Moscow - 20080529 - A delegation of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America visited Russia on 22–28 May 2008 with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. The head of the delegation, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America was accompanied by Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta, Bishop Savas of Troas, Chancellor of the Archdiocesan District, chairman of the department for inter Orthodox, inter Christian and inter religions relations archpriest Mark Arey, chairman of the department for public relations archpriest Alexandros Carloutsos, deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Council of the diocese Michel Jaharis and others.

They visited the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St.Sergius, the Moscow theological schools, and the ‘Sofrino’ artistic production of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Archbishop Demetrios and other clergymen concelebrated the Divine liturgy with Patriach Alexy in the Cathedral of Assumption of the Mother of God in the Moscow Kremlin on the commemoration day of Ss.Cyril and Methodios Equal-to-the-Apostles. After the liturgy a reception was given in St.Daniel’s monastery in Moscow.

On Sunday, May 25, the guests were prayed at the Divine liturgy in the Cathedral Christ the Savior. Archbishop Arseny of Istra heartily greeted Archbishop Demetrios and others on behalf of Patriarch Alexy.

Archbishop Demetrios shared his joy of praying in the revived cathedral and reminded that he had participated in the consecration of the cathedral eight years ago as head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople delegation at the invitation of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. Archbishop Demetrios noted that the Russian Orthodox Church had done great work for the revival of spiritual life in Russia.

On that same day the delegation met with the chairman of the Department for external church relations of Moscow Patriarchate (DECR) Metropolitan Kirill.

On May 26, the delegation visited St.Alexy’s hospital in Moscow. In the hospital’s church of St.Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, the guests were met by archpriest Arkady Shatov, chairman of Charity Committee at the Moscow diocesan council.

Archbishop Demetrios thanked Father Arkady. The treasure of the Women’ charitable institution of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Ms. Aphrodite Arey spoke about her organization and gave a donation for the needs of the hospital.

Archpriest Arkady Shatov noted that the death rate of patients reduced twice since the Russian Orthodox Church took patronage under the hospital. Archbishop Demetios said that such tremendous results had been achieved through the good care for both the body and soul of the patients. The American guests were interested in public health services in Russia and in pastoral ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church in hospitals. Archbishop Demetrios also asked about the position of the Moscow Patriarchate on bioethics.

The delegation met with Ms. Lubov Sliska, deputy chairman of the State Duma and discussed the significance of the restoration of unity between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Archbishop Demetrios noted particular spirituality of the Russian people. Ms. Sliska underscored that this year marks the 1020th of the Baptism of Russia, the event that has laid the foundation of Christian culture and statehood in Russia. They also discussed the religious situation in Russia, in the USA, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Ukraine. Ms. Sliska said that the church unity was very important for peace and accord in society.

Archbishop Demetrios hoped that this visit would help the development of good relations between Russia and the USA. ‘I have visited many official places in the world, and not only in the USA. But here in Russia, among our Orthodox brothers and sisters, we experience particular feelings not only in churches but also in the high state institution.’

In the evening the delegation visited the Hall of Church Assemblies in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where a ceremony of handing the Ss. Cyril and Methodius International prize took place. Archbishop Demetrios greeted Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and the prize winners.

On May 27, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia received the delegation in his residence in St.Daniel’s monastery.

That same day. the guests met with the mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov. He noted the development of relations between Moscow and the Greek Orthodox Church and the aid that Moscow renders to the monastic community on the Holy Mountain of Athos.

‘We remember where from Orthodoxy has come to us’, Jury Luzhkov said. He thinks that Orthodoxy is the main moral power of Russian society and the number of believers is increasing. The mayor mentioned wisdom and activity of Patriarch Alexy and his role in the revival of spiritual life in Russia. Jury Luzhkov said that there were no religious conflicts in Moscow. At the meeting were present deputy mayor Valery Vinogradov, chairman of the department for external relations of Moscow Georgy Muradov, and the DECR secretary for inter-Orthodox relations archpriest Nikolai Balashov.

On May 28, the delegation visited St.Daniel’s monastery, prayed the shrines, and sang church hymns in the Greek language. The abbot of the monastery, archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov) told the guests about its history and present life.

Archbishop Demetrios and his suite also visited the Donskoy monastery where they prayed at the shrine with the relics of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

That same day the delegation of the Greek Archdiocese in America left Moscow. While in Russia the guests were accompanied by the DECR secretary for inter-Orthodox relations archpriest Nikolai Balashov, and the DECR staff member A. Churjakov.