MOSCOW - May 28, 2008 – Archbishop Demetrios of America and the members of the official delegation concluded their official visit to the Russian Orthodox Church on Wednesday, May 28th, by visiting two of the most famous monasteries in Moscow. The evening before their departure, the Archbishop and the members of the delegation were received by the Mayor of Moscow, Yury Luzkhov, who has been Mayor for over 15 years., The delegation was welcomed to the Mayoral Official Residence, a 200 year old structure just a short walk from the Kremlin by the Vice-Mayor of Moscow, Valery Vinogradov. Vice-Mayor Vinogradov introduced His Eminence and the delegation to Mayor Luzkhov. The Mayor then, accompanied by press and staff, led the Archbishop and the delegation into the Ceremonial Hall of the Mayoral Residence for a formal welcome, refreshment and discussion. The Hall is dominated by a huge symbol of St. George the Trophy-Bearer, the patron Saint of Moscow, and copies of important Classical Greek sculpture. In the dialogue that followed, both the Mayor and the Archbishop commented on the importance of the reconstruction of the Christ the Savior Cathedral, a project in which the Mayor had been deeply involved. The Mayor gifted the Archbishop with a commemorative crystal bowl featuring the Cathedral, and the Archbishop reciprocated with a silver commemorative plate from the Archdiocese.

The following day of their departure, the Archbishop and members of the delegation were received at two of the most important monasteries in Moscow, the Danilov and the Donskoy. The Danilov, or St. Daniel Monastery, is the oldest in Moscow (see website at The Archbishop was welcomed by the Abbot of the Monastery, Archimandrite Alexy, and given a tour of the Monastery Churches. Following this visit, the delegation departed the hotel for the Donskoy Monastery, which houses the relics of the Patriarch of Moscow, Saint Tikhon, who was at one time the Russian Orthodox Primate of North America (see

The Archbishop and delegation, accompanied by clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate, were received with flowers by Bishop Alexander of Mitrof, and the Abbot together with Hieromonks. The Archbishop was escorted into the main church, where a special Service of Thanksgiving was chanted before the relics of St. Tikhon. Following the service, the Archbishop was led on a tour of the famous Donskoy Monastery Cemetery, which includes 19th century tombs of  Pontian Greeks, as well as a few examples of the original monumental statuary that survived the destruction of Christ the Savior Cathedral.

Following the tour of the Donskoy Monastery, the Archbishop was accompanied to the airport by Bishop Alexander and representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate.

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